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Closure of North Walsham Bowls

Updated: Jul 17, 2020

Important Notice

15th July 2020

Bruce Rossi, owner of Rossis Leisure, has today announced the closure of North Walsham Bowls Club with immediate effect, saying it was a very sad decision and one not taken lightly.

The Club started in 1978 and was the heartbeat of everything else that has since developed on the site in North Walsham.  However, with the development of other Clubs in the local area and declining membership numbers over the years, it became increasingly difficult to maintain the Club’s renowned high standards and secure a sustainable future for it.  

Bruce commented “There were many factors to be taken into consideration. With increased costs and declining income, compounded by the current situation with Covid-19, we were not able to negotiate a reduction in Business Rates and in the absence of any upfront Government Grant funding we were unable to consider re-investing to update facilities in order to grow membership and, therefore, unfortunately the only conclusion was to close.  The rest of the Rossis business remains unaffected and  investment will be ongoing in all areas but currently there is nothing in line to replace the Bowls areas and this will evolve as time goes by”.  

There will not be any staff redundancies as a result of this difficult decision and Bruce offered his thanks to all the longstanding members for their loyal support in recognition of the great successes that came over the years, making North Walsham a household name in the world of bowls.  He also thanks Tina and Trevor Goddard who have given their time voluntarily and always been so supportive of the Club.  


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